Friday, 14 September 2012

VA from Gaganan

The following is a contribution from GAGANAN DDESHINGER. He collected thse sentences for vocab and usage fron "The Hindu" dt 13-09-12.
Thanks Gaganan.

1. We are paying now for the loss of political nerve and our penchant for expediency, which was underscored by our abject surrender in 2010, when the CAG report on 2G came out

(abject cowardice, abject poverty; an abject)

2. He said the latter was suffering from ‘paralysis’ as it was not allowing Parliament to function, returning the barb directed at the government by the Opposition. ( Irony: just see the meaning of parley, does it say something about parliament? !!! )

3. The violence that the agitation against the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project degenerated into this week had an unfortunate ring of foreordination about it

4. The police, who at the best of times need little prompting to resort to force, responded with tear gas and lathis.

5. As people across the world remember the victims of 9/11, we have been served a reminder that the grim forces that brought it about are far from spent

6. For months now, Libya has been witnessing an ever-escalating spiral of violencespearheaded by jihadist groups hostile to the U.S. Egypt, for its part, has seen serious conflict in the Sinai.

7. It has long been clear that the realities of the ‘new Middle East’ the West claimed to have midwifed during the so-called Arab Spring don’t quite match the hype

8. The assassinated American envoy helped establish U.S. presence in rebel-held Benghazi in the war that swept away Muammar Qaddafi’s regime. (please see the usage, after “help” infinitive is used directly, without “to”)

9. With presidential and Congressional elections around the corner, it will be tempting for U.S. politicians to respond to his killing with shows of machismo.

10. Given that 90 per cent of our coal, more than 50 per cent of minerals and most prospective dam sites are in Adivasi regions, there is likely to be continuing contention over issues of land acquisition in these areas.

11. To support relocation, each PAF will get a subsistence grant

12. They are also reassured by the fact that land compensation provided will not be taken as the base for circle rates for subsequent acquisitions, so as to avoid a speculative price spiral.

13. The operation of the draconian urgency clause of the 1894 law has also been strictly circumscribed.

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