Saturday, 22 September 2012

Vocab - 16 sep


1. While a certain amount of stress is healthy, worrying constantly, even about trivia, can wreak havoc on our mind and body in the long run.

2. “I need something to worry about — a stopgap maybe — till the real one shows up.”

3. Suchi isn’t a standal WORRYWART.

4. Darn, add that to the worry list!”

5. “My super worrier mother told me to expect the worst, so when it happened we would be prepared.” 1 What if nothing did? “It’s a happy surprise!” Crazy!

6. Yeah, we can worry about any topic. Wish there's a way to outsource it.

7. “Research points to deficits/imbalances in neuro-chemicals in the brain (such as serotonin, noradrenaline) that could make one vulnerable to chronic worrying.” It needn’t be purely biological, either.

8. Dr. Keerthi has a slew of suggestions to keep it in check.

9. “Even with illnesses such as cancer, people who are positive get better faster and don’t have as many relapses. When you fear there is a problem lurking somewhere, you forget there is a solution somewhere too.

10. I know a family that takes turns basket cane “worry chair” and rock.

11. Looking after an Alzheimer’s patient is a big challenge, and it takes a toll on the caregiver.

12. But there have been cases where Alzheimer’s patients have been consigned to old-age homes.

13. He says nonchalantly: “A parent who is both old and suffering memory-loss is a double problem… more than my wife and I can handle.”

14. A friend, who has septuagenarian in-laws, asks Annapurna about the “burden of being a caregiver”. A mistake!

                                                                  ( Courtesy Gagan)

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